Prior to signing a contract for a job, please be familiar with some of the terms and information listed below: *Non-Compete Agreement: Get familiar with this term because some contracts state that if you leave their company you can not work within a certain radius/geographical location for 2 years or whatever timeframe is stated in the contract. Be sure to research and find out different examples of non-compete clauses so that you do not sign something that you may regret. If there is a non-compete clause in your contract, be sure to ask what the time frame is, if you really want to work for that company, weigh your options!!!! *No Skimming, Read the Entire Contract: It is really exciting to sign the contract for your first job, but please be sure to read each word in the contract. Find a quiet place with no distractions to read the contract and all of the information that the company provides. Take a day or two to look it over, have your parents read it too or someone you go to for professional advice! *If Something is Unclear Ask Questions: Be sure you are clear with everything that is in the contract, if something is unclear, ASK!!!! If something that was agreed upon is not included in the contract then ask! *Instincts Are Key: If your gut instinct is telling you that something is not right, listen to it! This post is not to take the excitement out of job searching and signing a contract, but it is so that you can be PROACTIVE and really enjoy your CAREER so that you do not have to be worried with points that can be addressed from the beginning! "Look at the word responsibility—“response-ability”—the ability to choose your response. Highly proactive people recognize that responsibility. They do not blame circumstances, conditions, or conditioning for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice, based on values, rather than a product of their conditions, based on feeling." ~Stephen R. Covey Quotes from The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People p. 71~
Special Thanks to Heidi Kay from PediaStaff for sharing this great Guide for New Graduates. Please be sure to explore PediaStaff's Resources and Blog for a variety of information for Therapists. Don't forget to subscribe to their newsletter as well so that you can get the latest pediatric and school-based therapy resources, tips, articles, and news each week!! The Graduate Guide below provides information about choosing the best setting, resume preparation, interview tips, and so much more.... As February approaches, graduation is right around the corner for many. Some are counting down the days until graduation and until they start their first job in the real world. I know firsthand how exciting and overwhelming all of the above can be, so I wanted to share some tips on my blog in preparation for these big events! Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing information that helped me in preparation for choosing the right job for my clinical fellowship year. Do not wait until the last minute to prepare for graduation or even to apply for jobs. Start planning now so that the process will not be overwhelming. I highly recommend having a folder or notebook dedicated solely for graduation and job searching. It is important to have all necessary information in one place and not scattered everywhere. Over the course of the next few weeks I will be targeting the following topic areas: ~Resume and Cover Letter ~Key Questions to Ask When Applying for Jobs ~Gathering Appropriate Documents in Order to Get Provisional License ~Reference Letters ~Online Portfolio |
November 2021